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The Participants


First-Time Participants​

Potential candidates are required to submit a written application and participate in an interview process. Once selected, program participants complete required readings and engage in small group discussions with facilitators and fellow group members. To encourage attendance, participants receive a scholarship. At the conclusion of the series, successful participants will:



  • Understand they have substantial control over their lives and know that they have the power within them to achieve anything

  • Commit to change aspects of their lives that are currently not conducive to them achieving success


  • Recognize that they will face challenges and setbacks, but are willing to persist toward the achievement of their goals


  • Believe there are people who will lend them a hand toward the achievement of their goals if they persevere


Alumni Participants

An alumni participant is a young man who has previously culminated from the Principles of Success Program, is 18 years old or less, and is a participant in the program for a second time.   Alumni participants benefit in the following ways:


  • Deeper Understanding of Success Principles: Alumni participants are exposed to the program content a second time, thus allowing them an opportunity to gain additional insight regarding the principles and how to better apply them to their lives. 

  • Ongoing Engagement with Program Leaders, Mentors, and Peers: Alumni participants continue their interaction with the men leading the program.  Additionally, they are able to network with other alumni participants as well as first-time participants. 

  • Personal Growth through Leadership Preparation and Development:  Alumni participants may be asked to make brief presentations to the POS class on subjects such as accountability, self-discipline, individual responsibility, etc.  As a result, they have an opportunity to develop their leadership and presentation skills.  Additionally, alumni participants may be asked to serve as peer-mentors to first-time participants, thus offering an opportunity to experience the joy of helping others by ‘paying it forward’. 

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